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Photon successfully participated in the ANGA exhibition in Germany
Created date : 2024-05-17

Photon Broadband Company participated in the ANGA COM/ANGA Cable Exhibition held in Cologne, Germany from May 14th to May 16th, 2024. The exhibition attracted a significant number of European customers and attendees. During the exhibition, the Photon team continuously received new and existing customers, understanding their needs, the products they currently use in their networks, and any existing issues. The participation aimed to expand Photon's presence in the European market and attract more customers from Germany and other European regions. At the exhibition, the company showcased its end-to-end IPTV solution, as well as GPON, EPON, Switches, Router, and CATV products, providing comprehensive solutions for customers.

Based on the feedback and customer evaluations received at the exhibition, Photon Broadband's data transmission products and end-to-end IPTV solutions received positive reviews. Many customers appreciated the functionality and performance of the solution, considering it capable of meeting their needs in the field of video transmission and entertainment. Customers recognized Photon Broadband's expertise and technical capabilities in this field, expressing their willingness to collaborate on the solution. These positive responses hold significant value for Photon Broadband's further expansion in the European market and acquiring more customers.

Photon Broadband's end-to-end IPTV solution possesses several advantages compared to its competitors:

1.Comprehensive Solution: Photon Broadband offers a complete end-to-end IPTV solution, covering all aspects from headend to end-user. This means customers can obtain all the necessary devices and services from a single provider, simplifying the integration and management of the overall system.

2.High-Quality Video Transmission: Photon Broadband's solution adopts advanced 4K and 8K video transmission technologies, ensuring high-quality video content delivery, including HD and Ultra HD resolutions. This guarantees customers a clearer and smoother viewing experience.

3.Comprehensive Technical Support: Photon Broadband provides comprehensive technical support and after-sales services, ensuring timely assistance and support for customers during the use and maintenance of the solution. With an experienced technical team, they can address various technical challenges and troubleshoot any issues.

In summary, Photon Broadband's end-to-end IPTV solution demonstrates advantages in terms of comprehensiveness, high-quality video transmission, network performance, and technical support, providing customers with a strong competitive edge."

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